09 October 2011

Quote Of The Week...Checking-In ROW80

When I stand before G-d at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.
Erma Bombeck    

Revision & Self-Editing, by James Scott Bell is the newest in my Kindle TBR list dealing with writing development.  My ongoing education within the art of writing is eye-opening, indeed!  Seeing how much you don't know about what you don't know...well, it's humbling.  But...I'm on my way to 'being-in-the-know'!  Lovin' it!  Thanks Ghenet!
Write Great Fiction - Revision And Self-Editing

Indie Book Blowout - Author Sign-Up form for their Christmas Expo will be up soon.  Check in with the link to see if this is an avenue you'd like to explore in your book's promotion!

Writer, Barbara Kloss had me laughing out loud this week with her Insecure Writer's Support Group post... find it here!  Take a few minutes and be wholly entertained as you relive her (and probably one or two of your own) moments when her 'imaginarey friends' quit talking to her.

  Guess What?  I'm A Semi-Finalist!

Lady Gwen posted the results of the Judge & Jury Blogfest...at least for semi-finalists!  The winners will be announced on Friday, 14 October 2011!  Stop by Lady Gwen's and check out what's going on in her realm.  Isn't her button design the cutest?

Progress In Writing & Goal Accountability...ROW80

I have written another thousand (or two) words in Her Dark Baron, without finishing up the story!  (Novellas are hard to end on time...lol) I'm within a page or two - at least I think :).  But this ending is so packed with emotion, danger, and confession...I can't seem to fit it all in!  Delish.

I have read one...yes, the bare minimum...chapter on writing development this week.  It's shameful.  It's true.  I've struggled to make the time to sit down and read for a purpose.  I did manage to read for enjoyment without problem.  Uhhhmm, yeah.  I can't help myself.  I swear the novels call to me from the end-table.  They beg me to sneak 'just a chapter or two' before bed.  Their stories consume my thoughts until I can't take it anymore and I read clear through to the end because I have to know what happens!  Maybe my next book will be entitled 'Confessions Of A Book Addict'.  What do you think?

I visited at least five blogs per day (Mon. - Fri.), and on most days surpassed that goal.  I'm thrilled, as I'm making great connections because of it.  I've learned so much information just from clicking the links on the sites I'm visiting!  It's platform building and an education all in one.

I received my first print version proof for Claiming The Prize!  So far, I'm pleased, as the issues with the foreign characters that I encountered in the Kindle and e-pub formats are absent in the print version.  Whew!  I was going to simply change them to the closest English character if it had been an issue, but I'm glad it wasn't.  I am considering going with single spacing, as I will then have less pages.  Less pages translates into lower cost to make the book and a cheaper cost for the reader.  We'll see.

On A Personal Note...


The highest Holy Day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur ended at sundown.  Click here to read a touching and powerful story by Yanki Tauber!  Enjoy. 

~ Nadja


  1. Nadja,
    it sounds like you are making great progress on the word count! I hear you about reading the craft books. It takes so much more brain power to read and assimilate that reading than pleasure reading, it's not bedtime reading for me.

    Cool news about the proof of Claiming the Prize--I'm about halfway through it, and loving it by the way.

    Have a great week, Nadja!

  2. Sounds like you had a great first week. I hear you on reading the non-fiction stuff vs. the pleasure stuff :)

    Congrats on being a semi-finalist! Good luck this upcoming week.

  3. YAY for being a semi-finalist and I love that quote by Emma. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Elizabeth ~ I'm so glad you are enjoying the novel! It's perfect for an evening curled up with a romance and a cup of tea. And I can't read non-fiction before bed either. Too much brain power required from me at a late hour.

    Raelyn ~ I did have a great first week. And thanks! I had fun in Lady Gwen's Judge & Jury Blogfest.

    Angela ~ Bombeck is one of my favorite all time 'spunky-women'! My sister is a big fan, too. I love her brand of humor.

    ~ Nadja

  5. I too struggle to stop reading for pleasure but if we weren't big readers we probably wouldn't want to be writers would we?!

    Glad you have had a great week and congrats on being a semi-finalist! Have a great week 2 Nadja!

  6. You are so right, Em! I tried to comment at your blog (and Komal's too) but it keeps erasing my comments and leaving nothing...? Not sure why, but wanted to let you know. ~ Nadja

  7. Hey Nadja, I wonder why you can't comment. I had the same problem a while ago and couldn't resolve it so I changed my web browser to Google Chrome.

    Yay, Her Dark Baron is almost finished and you only have a bit more to write. That's so exciting. I don't think I'd be much good at writing novellas - it seems difficult to put everything in so little words - definitely a skill!

    Also, I love that quote! Well, good luck with finishing up your novella and your goals for next week.

  8. Funny, I have Plot and Structure by the same author in my TBR pile. Good for us for reading our books, even though we'd rather be reading fiction.

  9. I like the book addict idea. That would be a guaranteed good read :) I'm bad about reading for educational purposes yet I can sit and eat an entire novel for the heck of it. What is with that? Maybe they need to make those informational books more entertaining. Good work all around!

  10. Congrats on being a semi-finalist for the writing challenge! And I totally know what you mean about reading novels versus everything else - sometimes I wish I could paid to lay around, eat chocolate, and read my favorite novels. ;)

    Good luck finishing up the novella! Can't wait to read!

  11. Yep, I'm much rather read fiction than non fiction. Different mind frame and have to put myself in learning mood for non fiction. Love the quote at the beginning of your post. Have a great week.

  12. Oh I have a hard time with that too, the reading for fun instead of "work". I do think that you can learn a lot from reading for pleasure if you look at the structure. Sometimes I'll reread a line or paragraph because it just fits so well together and try and see what the author did. I can't help but think that helps my writing.

    Good luck with your goals for the coming week (though it doesn't seem like you'll need it!)

  13. Dang, Nadja, I didn't see your announcement of the semi-final win until now! Sorry! And congratulations!!

  14. Komal - I think things may have returned to normal. I stopped by again today and ...commented, commented, commented. :)

    Andrew - I just keep adding things to my TBR pile...wait for Wednesday's post. ROBIN keeps putting up links to fab books!!!!!

    Wendy - I'll think some more on that Book Addict thing.... could be a winner!? Ha!

    Lena - Oh! That would be the perfect job! Where can we apply?

    Crystal Cip - Thanks for stopping by! Great to meet you. And yes, I think you can learn a lot from paying attention to and studying parts of favorite novels that stand out as superior.

    Elizabeth - Thanks! I'm wearing a big smile over my entry being selected! It's a piece out of my novella that will be released in November...I was shooting for late October, but I think November is a more realistic goal.

    ~ Nadja

  15. I keep threatening to read more non fiction but all those novel's stacked up keep calling to me. Nice going on your goals.

  16. Nadja, congratulations on you fabulous word count. As for the writing development reading, one chapter is still more than nothing - it's not an easy read so give yourself a pat on the back anyway :-)

  17. So many good things in this post. :) Congratulations. Have a wonderful week.

  18. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who is lured away from mature productivity by those impish novels on my end-table! Ha. Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement this week. You all have a wonderful week, too. ~ Nadja
